ZW Clinics

Injection Therapy


Steroid Injection Therapy

A steroid can be used in isolation or alongside other treatments to alleviate pain associated with arthritis, nerves, tendons and other associated foot and ankle structures. This is currently only offered once a month.
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Injection therapy details...

This Musculoskeletal (MSK) Analysis includes assessments of the foot and lower limb in accordance with any ongoing pain and functional restriction that is affecting your activities or day to day life.

Consultation Length

Up to 30 minutes

Treatment Cost



What are Steroid Injections?

Steroid injections are man-made drugs almost identical to cortisol, a hormone found in your body. Corticosteroids, otherwise known as Steroids are used in Injection therapy to ease inflammation found in joints, surrounding tendons and other soft tissue structures such as bursae. A steroid injection often contains a mixture of both the steroid itself and a local anaesthetic.
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How might a steroid injection help me?

A steroid can be used in isolation or alongside other treatments to alleviate pain associated with arthritis, nerves, tendons and other associated foot and ankle structures. When treating various foot and ankle conditions with a corticosteroid it is important to note that the Steroid may well mask the underlying condition and in most cases, will not address the underlying cause of the issue. Steroids may be used in the following Foot & Ankle pathologies:

Morton’s Neuroma

1ST MTP Joint Arthritis (Big toe joint arthritis)

Midfoot Arthritis

Sinus Tarsi Pain

Lesser MTP Joint arthritis (Joints at the ball of the foot)

Acute Plantar Fasciitis

High Volume Injections for Tendons

Retrocalcaneal Bursitis (Underneath Achilles tendon)


The guidance regarding the safe and effective use of Corticosteroids is continually changing. Our team are continually advancing their professional development on the use of steroids in clinic. During your initial assessment we will gather information regarding your suitability ahead of planning any intervention utilising steroid injection therapy. In some cases, steroids may not settle the symptoms as we expect and may reduce their effectiveness if used repeatedly over time. The current guidance does NOT recommend more than 3 injections over the course of 12 months with no less than a 6-week interval in between.

There can be side effects associated with Steroid injections and so it is imperative that you take advice from your Podiatrist following your injection. You will be reviewed 6 weeks following your injection and will be advised on any activity modification required post injection as well as any other complimentary therapies that may be required.